Extrait Règlement Zootechnique Chapitre 6 – Art. 3. L’insémination artificielle
Tout étalon enregistré et expertisé au Baps recevra sur demande un Permis d’inséminer; le Baps se chargera de transmettre aux opérateurs agrées les certificats zootechniques nécessaires à la demande de ceux-ci.
Seuls les étalons expertisés peuvent faire usage de l’insémination artificielle.
Les poulains issus d’une insémination artificielle, peuvent être enregistrés sans restrictions.
Le clonage est interdit . Toute méthode de fécondation in vitro également.
Genetic modification, gene editing and gene doping
- It is a mandatory WAHO rule that any Arabian horse of any age which has been subject to any form of genetic modification at the embryo stage or later must not be registered under any circumstances.
- It is an mandatory WAHO rule that the progeny of any Arabian horse which was subject to any form of genetic modification at the embryo stage of later must not be registered under any circumstances.
- It is a mandatory WAHO rule that any Arabian horse of any age which has been conceived using genetically modified gametes must not be registered under any circumstances.
- It is a mandatory WAHO rule that the progeny of any Arabian horse which was conceived using genetically modified gametes must not be registered under any circumstances.